Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why are youtubers so full of hate?

The following has been copied from the comment section of "Iron Man Speaks":

robertiskool23 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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you guys are faggets
ghost rider
fucking comic book nerds
theyre fucking movies
theyre not real you dipshits
go get a fucking life
fucking faggets these days
"marval universe"
who the fuck says that these days
go get a life and do something
reannalovesA (4 months ago) Show Hide
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why are you watching the clips about it then?
practice what your preech, dumb fuck.
Gaheris15 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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If you've got a problem with them keep it to yourself fuck head. Do you look up these videos just so you can create and argument you sad little fuck. Maybe it is You who should be getting a life eh?
MagicMan146 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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dude its cool nobody said we read the comics dipshit

i will slice your throat and shit in your neck
startitangirl (4 months ago) Show Hide
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You got some damn issues.
tubinator5000 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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i agree with robertiskkool23, hes right u guys are fagish comic book nerds fuck faces now go fuck yoyrselves u dipshits!

Now, after reading that, it shouldn't be difficult to understand my question. That being what causes youtubers to be so angry? "I will slice your throat an shit in your neck" is perhaps the most extreme, but "faggot!" is thrown around alot, as are other obsenities. I'm hardly a sunday school teacher, and the use if obsenities doesn't particularly bother me, but what is distrubing is the hatred found by bloggers and youtube commentors across the cyber space. i am curious to know what cuases such anger and am laying out some probable cuases:

Generation: It has been suggested that this is due to today's genreation which has everything money can by, and yet has nothing. The fact that Nirvana and Eminem are farcries away from Csny emboianing a previous generations call for peace and sensuality, or even Frank Zappa who was very cynical of the whole hippie movement expressed himself in a most constructive manner. These facts can hardly be ingored even for someone like myself who doesn't fully buy this explanation. Which isn't much of one by the way. What is it that makes this generation angrier and more hateful anyway? In the 60's it was all: "Love your brother" and "peace". Now its "nigga" "Fag" "Bitch" etc.
Obviously, something changed. There is certainly a lot more frustration amongst the youth now, or at least it is being more accurately expressed. Perhaps the aftermath of veitman left broken families behind across the country. Perhaps the aftermath of the movements of the 60's themselves did not end so well either. The Black Panthers, for instance, became the foundation for the first gangs that would become the norm in large inner cities. Reagen's sentiment may have had something to do with it (the Russian fear was revived in the 80's for better or for worse). The rise of AIDS and homosexuals coming "out of the closet" added new fears for the general audience. crime rose. That dream of peace if it ever even existed left us, enter rap,grunge, slasher films, and the whole set of the 80's and 90's and you have us here. things changed, who knows why, but they did, and thats one possible explanation.

Anonymity: As a branch off of Milton's controversial experiments, another was done. This one involved women torturing each other with "Shocking" machines (of course not authentic. like Milton's the victims were actors in on the experiment). The experiment found that when wearing KKK-style hoods, the torturers would act with much more cruelty. This showed that people will act badly if they think they can get away with it. Is this perhaps what is happening on youtube? All the commenters are writing under catchy one-phrased pseudonyms; savagenoble7 or my previous lucudis3, for example. No one knows, under most circumstances, who is actually writing these comments so therefore they feel complete freedom to say whatever they want. In a real conversation, people may restrain themselves when debating with another person for fear of breaking the social norm of courtesy. On youtube, anything goes so these inhibitions are completely unrestrained.

Polarization: different things attract different people. There are general audiences, but the crowd of people who went to see "Star Wars" differ from th crowd of people who went to see the "Titanic". Many people watch youtube, but not everyone comments. I know some people who don't even have an account, and just passively watch. The people who comment may in fact be angry, depressed, and lonely individuals who have no other life and need a place to vent. youtube is a dream come true. These people had no voice in the past (youtube didn't exist in the 60's) and can be heard for the first time now. Coupled with the fact that there anonymous and you might find the situation above.

Anyways, those are some possible theories on you tuber's anger. I'm sure there are others. If you have any reasons on why youtubers are so angry or if you are an angry youtuber and would like to share with us why, just comment...nicely.

This is Savagenoble who reminds you all to Free your mind.
"I need a crowd of people, but I can't face them day to day/ though my problems are meaningless that don't make them go away."
--neil young

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