Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Obama Won

On a popular basis it was close 50% to 48%, I believe, the favor of the Illinois Senator. But on the electoral basis, honey, we are talking a landslide victory for Obama. What happened?
many people have been angry or overjoyed about the results. But I was not suprised. The fact was that McCain had too many things going against him.
1. Too Old. Not camera freindly in appearence, and people worried about his health.
2. Too moderate. Yup, conservatives didn't trust McCain. They were right not to. He compromised on Gay Marriage(huge mistake!). and his abortion record is trouble. He only opposed abortion at the federal level. He said in his final debate that the states should decide the issue. That's not what Huckabee thought. And he supported change in the environment. all in all, McCain was a pretty nice guy. Therefore, he'd make a horrible conservative.
3. Obama. he's obviously one of those kind of politicians that onyl pop up once in a while. His stirring speech and massive reform plans stand to make him the next Roosevelt. He emerged to offer the Democratic Party its salvation and not a moment too soon. How on earth could McCain, or anyone, stand up to this?
4. Rove Paradigm obsolete. The news, documentary makers, etc. have gone into detail about Rove's tactics. They broke down his strategy of smear campaigns in the Bush/ Kerry election in '04. The information is public, and now when McCain's boys tried to do the same thing it was recognized for what it was. Pure bullshit. Those final days had the GOP throwing everything they got at Mr. Obama, but to avail. Everyone knew what they were up to.
5. Poor pick in VP. The opinion that Sarah Palin is an idiot caught on fire FAST! Obama should sincerely thank Fey for her dead on portrayal which turned Americans approval of this next "Maverick" into mocking laughter. Not only that but she didn't coincide with McCain's moderate views. They split (predictably) on Gay marraige. Thats never good to have a campaign divided amongst itself.

Those i think are some significant reasons why Obama pulled the victory off that he did.

Savagenoble is again telling you to free your minds.

Fight corporate politics, vote Joe the Plumber 2012

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